Thursday, February 22, 2007

Valentine's Day - Part-III DEEP DEEP LOVE...

Jeevan se bhari theri aanhken. Rajesh Khanna in the sad movie called Anand. The words of this song are beautiful like a love poem.

Tere mere sapney ab ek rang hai. Dev Anand and Wahida Rehman in the movie Guide. It is an adaptation of a book by noted writer R.K. Narayan, which can be bought on Amazon The movie was not an exact adaptation and R.K.Narayan was not too pleased with it. But still the movie, which was directed by Dev Anand's brother, did very well, and not in any small measure, because of its great songs. It is said that this song - "Tere mere sapney" - was filmed in a single continuous shot, without any retakes. It is amazing that it turned out so well...

Phoolon ke rang se. Another Dev Anand song, again with poetic lyrics. It is one of those songs that make you want to learn the Hindi language... so beautiful are the words and music. The English translation below does scant justice.
Set somewhere in the Alps - Switzerland or Germany? The chubby children from the countryside and in the train, seem to be having a good time.
With the colors of flowers, and a pen dipped in my heart,
I write to you everyday.
How can I say, that in so many ways, every moment, your thoughts torment me.
With your dreams I sleep, and wake up to your vision.
And in your thoughts I get entangled, like a thread with flowers in a garland...

Zindagi ek safar hai suhanaa... but who knows what is in the future


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"jeevan se bhari" is from Safar.

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